activate a bookmark
      Using a bookmark
  add a bookmark
      Adding a bookmark
  add a group
      Adding a group
      Adding a member to a group
  add folder
      Adding a folder
      Folder naming convention
  add group page
      Adding a group
      Adding a member to a group
  add member page
      Adding a member to a group
  add note
      Writing a note
  add schedule items
      Adding a schedule item
      Introduction to the Schedule function
  add todo item
      Adding a ToDo item
      Addressing message with or without contacts
  address message
      Addressing message with or without contacts
      Configuring Agent
  ascending order
  attachment limit
      Creating attachments
      Creating a new message
      Creating attachments
  automatic signature
      Addressing message with or without contacts
  bookmark display
      Description of the bookmark display
  bookmark editing page
      Moving a bookmark
  bookmark editing window
      Deleting a bookmark
      Updating a bookmark
      Adding a bookmark
      Deleting a bookmark
      Description of the bookmark display
      Introduction to groups
      Introduction to the Bookmark function
      Introduction to the main page
      Introduction to WebMail
      Moving a bookmark
      Updating a bookmark
      Using a bookmark
      Using groups to organize bookmarks
  browser print functions
      Printing a message
  browser save function
      Saving a message externally
      Date viewing methods
      Addressing message with or without contacts
  Claris Emailer
      Configuring Claris Emailer (Mac)
  comma separated values
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
      Description of the contact summary
  composing new messages
  connection time limit
      Connection time limit
  contact editing page
      Creating a contact
  contact list
      Adding the sender to your contact list
      Addressing message with or without contacts
      Copying and moving contacts
      Creating a contact
      Deleting a contact
      Description of the contact summary
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
      Introduction to the Contacts function
      Introduction to WebMail
      Selecting or deselecting a contact
      Using groups to organise contacts
  contact summary
      Description of the contact summary
      Adding the sender to your contact list
      Addressing message with or without contacts
      Copying and moving contacts
      Creating a contact
      Deleting a contact
      Description of the contact summary
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
      Introduction to groups
      Introduction to the Contacts function
      Introduction to the main page
      My Contact
      Selecting or deselecting a contact
      Using groups to organise contacts
  contacts list
      Adding the sender to your contact list
      Copying and moving contacts
      Creating a contact
      Deleting a contact
      Description of the contact summary
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
      Introduction to the Contacts function
      Selecting or deselecting a contact
      Using groups to organise contacts
      Cookies and WebMail
  copy a contact
      Copying and moving contacts
  copy message
      Copying and moving messages
  create a contact
      Creating a contact
  create a note
      Writing a note
  creating a new message
      Creating a new message
  creating attachments
      Creating a new message
      Creating attachments
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
  current date
      Date viewing methods
  customisable functions
      Main page
      Setting preferences
  daily schedule
      Introduction to WebMail
      Main page
      Description of the message summary
      Understanding the message header
      Date viewing methods
  default group
  delete a bookmark
      Deleting a bookmark
  delete a contact
      Deleting a contact
  delete folder
      Deleting a folder
  delete group
      Deleting a group
  delete messages
      Deleting a message while viewing it
      Deleting or undeleting a message
  delete multiple messages
      Deleting or undeleting a message
  delete note
      Deleting a note
  delete schedule item
      Deleting a schedule item
      Performing schedule maintenance
  delete todo item
      Deleting a ToDo item
  descending order
  deselect a message
      Selecting or deselecting a contact
      Selecting or deselecting a message
      Spell checking
  disable cookies
      Cookies and WebMail
  display of recent mail
      Main page
  display of today's schedule
      Display of schedule entries
      Main page
  draft items
      Saving a message draft
      Recomposing a message
  edit groups
      Deleting a group
  editing a message
      Recomposing a message
      Description of the contact summary
      Introduction to WebMail
      Main page
      Using addresses and URLs in a message
  email addresses
      Using addresses and URLs in a message
  email client
      Configuring Agent
      Configuring Claris Emailer (Mac)
      Configuring Email Connection
      Configuring Eudora
      Configuring Microsoft Exchange
      Configuring Microsoft Internet Mail
      Configuring Microsoft Outlook
      Configuring Netscape Mail
      Configuring Pegasus Mail
      Configuring Pine
      Introduction to email clients
  Email Connection
      Configuring Email Connection
  Empty Trash
      Deleting or undeleting a message
  enable cookies
      Cookies and WebMail
      Sending email
      Configuring Eudora
  expunge messages
  floppy disk
      Saving a message externally
  folder management
      Copying and moving messages
      Viewing folder statistics
  folder statistics
      Viewing folder statistics
      Adding a folder
      Copying and moving messages
      Deleting a folder
      Folder naming convention
      Managing folders
      Optimizing WebMail performance
      Organizing messages using folders
      Renaming a folder
      Viewing folder statistics
  forwarding a message
      Forwarding a message
      Description of the message summary
      Understanding the message header
  Full Headers
      Understanding the message header
      Forwarding a message
  global preferences
      Global preferences
      Adding a member to a group
      Description of the bookmark display
      Description of the contact summary
      Editing a group
      Introduction to groups
      Introduction to the main page
      Introduction to the Notes function
      Main page
      Moving a bookmark
      Placing an object in a group
      Using groups to organise contacts
      Using groups to organise schedule items
      Using groups to organise ToDo items
      Using groups to organize bookmarks
      Using groups to share notes
      Viewing group information
  group viewing page
      Deleting a group
      Main page
  hard drive
      Saving a message externally
      Understanding the message header
  header details
      Understanding the message header
  HTML editor
      Saving a message externally
  importing contacts
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
      Connection time limit
      Managing folders
      Optimizing WebMail performance
      Organizing messages using folders
  index card
      Adding the sender to your contact list
  index card image
      Adding the sender to your contact list
  invert sort order
      Description of the bookmark display
      Placing an object in a group
  item editing window
      Deleting a schedule item
      Updating a schedule item
      Global preferences
  line wrapping
      Entering the message body
  logging in
      Logging in to your account
      Introduction to the main page
      Logging out of WebMail
      Introduction to the Mail function
      Introduction to the main page
      Managing folders
      Organizing messages using folders
  main bookmark page
      Updating a bookmark
      Using a bookmark
  main page
      Global preferences
      Introduction to the main page
      Main page
      Setting preferences
  main schedule page
      Date viewing methods
  manage messages
      Introduction to the Mail function
      Managing folders
      Organizing messages using folders
  maximum attachment size
      Creating attachments
      Adding a member to a group
  menu style
      Global preferences
  message body
      Entering the message body
      Spell checking
  message draft
      Saving a message draft
  message editing page
      Creating a new message
      Forwarding a message
      Replying to a message
      Replying to all recipients of a message
  message header
      Understanding the message header
  message summary
      Description of the message summary
  message viewing page
      Copying and moving messages
      Recomposing a message
      Adding the sender to your contact list
      Addressing message with or without contacts
      Copying and moving messages
      Deleting or undeleting a message
      Forwarding a message
      Introduction to the Mail function
      Managing folders
      Organizing messages using folders
      Recomposing a message
      Selecting or deselecting a message
      Understanding the message header
      Viewing a message
  messages in separate window
  Microsoft Exchange
      Configuring Microsoft Exchange
  Microsoft Internet Mail
      Configuring Microsoft Internet Mail
  Microsoft Outlook
      Configuring Microsoft Outlook
      Date viewing methods
  move a bookmark
      Moving a bookmark
  move a contact
      Copying and moving contacts
  move message
      Copying and moving messages
  move schedule item
      Moving schedule items
  move todo item
      Moving ToDo items
  multiple attachments
      Creating attachments
  multiple messages
      Deleting or undeleting a message
      Description of the contact summary
  naming convention
      Group naming convention
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
  Netscape Mail
      Configuring Netscape Mail
  new items
  new message
      Creating a new message
      Refreshing the message list
  new message indicator
      Global preferences
  new schedule items
      Creating a contact
      Description of the contact summary
  no subject
      Entering a message subject
      Deleting a note
      Introduction to the Notes function
      Updating a note
      Viewing a note
      Writing a note
  number of messages
  number of new messages
      Viewing folder statistics
      Placing an object in a group
      Importing contacts from Outlook and Netscape
      Logging in to your account
  Pegasus Mail
      Configuring Pegasus Mail
  plain text
      Saving a message externally
      Global preferences
      Introduction to the main page
      Main page
      My Contact
      Saving a message draft
      Setting preferences
  prev-next page style
      Global preferences
      Printing a message
  print functions
      Printing a message
  print message
      Printing a message
  Print View
      Printing a message
  priority for new items
  range of dates supported
      Range of dates supported
      Replying to a message
      Replying to all recipients of a message
  real name
  received messages
      Introduction to the Mail function
      Recomposing a message
      Spell checking
  recompose a message
      Recomposing a message
      Spell checking
      Editing a recurring schedule item
  refresh the message list
      Refreshing the message list
  rename folder
      Folder naming convention
      Renaming a folder
      Replying to a message
      Replying to all recipients of a message
  reply to a message
      Replying to a message
      Replying to all recipients of a message
  reply to all recipients
      Replying to all recipients of a message
  save draft items
  save message
      Saving a message externally
  save sent items
      Adding a schedule item
      Deleting a schedule item
      Display of schedule entries
      Editing a recurring schedule item
      Introduction to groups
      Introduction to the main page
      Introduction to the Schedule function
      Moving schedule items
      Performing schedule maintenance
      Updating a schedule item
      Using groups to organise schedule items
  schedule maintenance
      Editing a recurring schedule item
      Performing schedule maintenance
      Introduction to the Search function
      Searching for bookmarks
      Searching for contacts
      Searching for mail
      Searching for notes
      Searching for schedule items
      Searching for ToDo list items
      Searching globally
  searching webmail
      Introduction to the Search function
      Searching for bookmarks
      Searching for contacts
      Searching for mail
      Searching for notes
      Searching for schedule items
      Searching for ToDo list items
      Searching globally
  second command bar
  select a contact
      Selecting or deselecting a contact
  select a message
      Selecting or deselecting a message
  Select All
      Selecting or deselecting a contact
      Selecting or deselecting a message
  Select None
      Selecting or deselecting a contact
      Selecting or deselecting a message
  send a message
      Sending a message
  Send Now
      Forwarding a message
      Replying to a message
      Replying to all recipients of a message
      Sending a message
      Sending email
      Adding the sender to your contact list
      Managing folders
      Organizing messages using folders
  share notes
      Using groups to share notes
      Description of the message summary
  sort order
  sorting criteria
      Description of the contact summary
      Description of the message summary
  special characters
      Group naming convention
  Spell Checked Version
      Spell checking
  spell checker
      Introduction to WebMail
  spell checking
      Spell checking
      Viewing folder statistics
      Description of the message summary
  strip tags
      Saving a message externally
      Description of the message summary
      Entering a message subject
      Replying to a message
      Replying to all recipients of a message
      Understanding the message header
      Viewing a message
  target folder
      Copying and moving messages
  time limit
      Connection time limit
      Addressing message with or without contacts
      Replying to a message
      Replying to all recipients of a message
      Understanding the message header
      Adding a ToDo item
      Deleting a ToDo item
      Description of the ToDo display
      Introduction to groups
      Introduction to the main page
      Introduction to the ToDo function
      Moving ToDo items
      Updating a ToDo item
      Using groups to organise ToDo items
  todo display
      Description of the ToDo display
  todo list
      Deleting a ToDo item
      Introduction to WebMail
      Moving ToDo items
      Updating a ToDo item
      Using groups to organise ToDo items
  total messages
      Viewing folder statistics
  trash can
      Deleting a message while viewing it
      Deleting or undeleting a message
  undelete message
      Deleting or undeleting a message
      Using groups to organise contacts
      Using groups to organise schedule items
      Using groups to organize bookmarks
      Folder naming convention
      Group naming convention
      Range of dates supported
  UNIX filenames
      Folder naming convention
  UNIX time function
      Range of dates supported
  update a bookmark
      Updating a bookmark
  update note
      Updating a note
  update preferences
      Global preferences
      Main page
      Setting preferences
  update schedule item
      Updating a schedule item
  update todo item
      Updating a ToDo item
      Adding a bookmark
      Description of the bookmark display
      Introduction to the Bookmark function
      Using a bookmark
      Using addresses and URLs in a message
  user defined folders
      Adding a folder
      Deleting a folder
      Managing folders
      Organizing messages using folders
      Logging in to your account
  using a bookmark
      Using a bookmark
  view a URL
      Using addresses and URLs in a message
  view dates
      Date viewing methods
      Introduction to the Schedule function
      Selecting daily or monthly view
  view messages
      Deleting a message while viewing it
      Introduction to the Mail function
      Viewing a message
  view months
      Date viewing methods
      Selecting daily or monthly view
  viewing group information
      Editing a group
      Viewing group information
  viewing notes
      Viewing a note
      Introduction to WebMail
  wrap lines
  writing a note
      Writing a note