Description of the ToDo display

The ToDo function displays the group that is being viewed as well as a list of ToDo items. Each list item is broken into five sections, some of which can be used as sorting criteria:


The item is the name of the item and a sort criteria. By clicking the "item" link at the top of the ToDo list, the list will be displayed in order by item.


The group is a sort criteria. By clicking on the "group" link at the top of the ToDo list, the list will be displayed in order by group.


The priority is a numerical rating (from zero to ten) given to a list item indicating its level of importance. Priority is a sort criteria. By clicking on the "priority" link at the top of the ToDo list, the list will be displayed in order by priority.


An item's status has several states: “new,” “complete,” “working,” “pending” and “canceled.”  Each status state is designated by a different symbol in the status field. New is a red dot, complete is a green check mark, working is a pair of glasses, pending is a yellow clock, and canceled is a gray ‘X.’

Due Date

An item’s due date is displayed in the format that is selected when you create the item. Choices are Never, On date and On date/time.