General Information
Introduction to online support
Version history
Using online support
Getting started with your website
Home page naming conventions
File location
Publishing your website with MS FrontPage
Uploading with FTP
File permissions and FTP
MIME types
ASP and ColdFusion
Introduction to ASP
Introduction to ColdFusion
ASP and ColdFusion pricing
Enable ASP and ColdFusion on a domain
More information about ASP and ColdFusion
Introduction to bandwidth
Bandwidth monitoring
Managing a database
MySQL databases
Introduction to MySQL databases
Populating a MySQL database
Updating a MySQL database
MS Access databases
Introduction to MS Access databases
Creating an MS Access database
Connecting to an MS Access database using ASP or ColdFusion
Updating an MS Access database
MS SQL databases
Introduction to MS SQL databases
Domain names
Introduction to domain names
Domain names and trademarked names
Choose a good domain name
Valid characters and length for a domain name
DNS propagation
Transfer an existing domain name to our servers
Domain pointing
E-commerce utilities
Introduction to e-commerce and real-time credit card processing
Payment gateways and transaction portals
Miva Merchant
Introduction to Miva Merchant
Accessing Miva Merchant
Transaction processing gateways supported by Miva Merchant
Technical support for Miva Merchant
More information about Miva Merchant
Introduction to ecBuilder
Accessing ecBuilder
Transaction processing gateways supported by ecBuilder
Technical support for ecBuilder
More information about ecBuilder
Introduction to EasyStoreMaker
Accessing EasyStoreMaker
Setting up your EasyMail
Introduction to EasyMail
Configure your email client
Spam policy
Writing webpages with HTML
Introduction to HTML
HTML tags
More information about HTML
RealServer audio and video streaming
Introduction to RealServer
Creating RealAudio and RealVideo files
Uploading my RealMedia files
Connecting to RealMedia files
RealServer protocols
Ports RealServer uses
RealMedia shared streams
RealMedia dedicated streams
More information about RealServer
Scripting Languages
Introduction to CGI
Uploading CGI scripts
Calling CGI scripts
Accessing files in your Home directory using a CGI script
Limitations on CGI scripts
Error messages and CGI scripts
Calling Sendmail
Introduction to Perl
Calling Perl scripts
Error messages and Perl
Introduction to PHP
Uploading a file with PHP
Error messages and PHP
More information about PHP
Server Side Includes
Introduction to Server Side Includes
Troubleshooting Server Side Includes
More information about SSI
Server parsed image maps
Using server-parsed image maps
More information about server-parsed image maps
SSL encryption
Introduction to SSL
Choosing a generic or private SSL certificate
Using our SSL certificate
Purchasing your own SSL certificate
More information about SSL certificates
Viewing a site before DNS propagates
Introduction to previewing your site
Using the test site
Troubleshooting the test site
Wireless services and WAP
Introduction to WAP
Introduction to WML
Introduction to XML
Reasons to use WML
Viewing WAP sites without a wireless device
WAP and domain names
WAP File extensions
WML file location
WML file permissions
WAP Images
More information about WAP, WML and XML