We support e-commerce by supplying the platform architecture to enable e-commerce websites. Additionally, we have provided EasyStoreMaker for you to use and create a basic e-commerce store.
ecBuilder and Miva Merchant are website e-commerce utilities that we also provide. ecBuilder partners with InternetSecure , E-xact and WorldPay to provide third-party credit card transaction processing. Miva Merchant involves other processing gateways, such as CyberCash and Verisign as well as WorldPay. Our system will also support other e-commerce site building utilities. Note also that our servers have the E-xact Perl library installed to support E-xact's configuration software.
"Real-time credit card processing" means processing a credit card transaction as it happens. In an e-commerce environment, this is often accomplished by using a third party "transaction portal" like E-xact, InternetSecure or CyberCash. We support many transaction portals, including E-xact, InternetSecure, CyberCash and now WorldPay. You are free to explore the many options available. To set up a specific real time credit card processing system, refer to the portal's URL.
If you need to purchase an SSL certificate, please follow the instructions in the SSL Manager in the WebsiteOS, or search help for "SSL".