Introduction to HTML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the most common language used to create documents on the World Wide Web. HTML uses hundreds of different tags to define a layout for web pages. Most tags require an opening <tag> and a closing </tag>.


Example:  <b>On a webpage, this sentence would be in bold print.</b>




Example of a simple page:



This is the code used to make the page shown above:




<TITLE>Your Title Here</TITLE>






<a href="">Link Name</a>

is a link to another nifty site

<H1>This is a Header</H1>

<H2>This is a Medium Header</H2>

Send me mail at <a href=""></a>.

<P> This is a new paragraph!

<P> <B>This is a new paragraph in bold print!</B>

<BR> <B><I>This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.</I></B>
