Using an SSH client

To make a connection to your website using SSH, you must use an SSH-capable client. If you do not have one already, then you must download and install one. There are many SSH clients for each operating system. Some of the SSH clients available are listed below:

Putty is a simple to use application which is available for WIndows users. You can download a copy at:

Linux has built-in SSH capabilities. For information on how to use the SSH command, type "man ssh" in a terminal window.

Macintosh OSX:
MacOS X has the standard command-line ssh client, like Linux. To use it, run the "Terminal" application located in /Applications/Utilities. For more information on how to use the SSH command, type "man ssh" in a terminal window.

Macintosh OS9:
OS9 users can download and install the MacSSH applcation at the following URL:


Referring to the manual or online documentation which comes with your SSH client, establish a connection to the server listed under the "Secure Shell" tab of the Secure Shell application in WebsiteOS. To complete your login, follow these steps:

  1. Once the connection has been established, you will be prompted for a user name. Type in the URL of your website (do not include "www.") and hit the [enter] key.

  2. You will be prompted for your password. Type in your password and hit [enter] again.

  3. You are now logged in and are presented with a welcome message, along with the terms and conditions of use. Please take the time to read this information carefully, as it may be revised periodically with important information concerning your Secure Shell access.