
Tax rates


Define tax rates to be mapped to one or more tax zone(s).
A tax rate will be displayed on the storefront as the tax title.


To add a tax rate click on "Add" , the window to the right will become active and ere you will be able to enter the name of the tax and the percentage applied.


Click" Apply" to save the changes you have made.


Tax zones


The Tax Zones interface is used to determine when a particular tax should be applied. To add a tax to a specified zone, click on the inspection tool beside the region you want to apply taxes to (for example, to apply a federal tax, add it to your country zone, e.g. "Canada").

You can add other countries or zones within a country by clicking on the applicable "add" button. Enter your tax information on the right and click "apply" to save the tax settings for the new region.

Tax summary

The Tax summary section lists all tax rules which you have set up using the Tax Rates and Tax Zones interfaces. This list is provided to provide you an overview and spot any potential issues.