Sending FormMail results to an outside email address

If you require FormMail to send to an address not belonging to your domain, we recommend using one of the procedures below. For demonstration purposes, assume that the customer's domain is and the address that the FormMail results are sent to is

1. Setting up a forwarding email account

Set up a forwarding email account with Easymail that forwards to the desired address. For example, use Easymail to set up as a forward account which forwards to

Set up FormMail to send its results to, which in turn will forward them to

2. Editing the FormMail script's recipients list

Advanced users can alter the "@recipients = @referers;" line in the

/cgi-bin/formmail script to send results to any email address.  If you want to send FormMail results to an address not belonging to your domain, edit the "@recipients = @referers;" line to resemble the one below:

 @recipients = ('^');

Please note that the carat symbol "^" must precede the email address.

Further information on this subject can be found in the FormMail README file at: