Search Contacts

This section allows you to edit the contacts in your lists. It is important to note that the contacts you enter are sent a confirmation email in order to prevent spam; you will not be able to send your newsletter to contacts until they have confirmed (by responding to the email) that they would like to receive your newsletters.

You can search through your contact lists in two ways:

1. Using the search fields. You can do a partial or exact match search by name, email, company, address, phone, city/town, state/province, country, list or status. Once you have selected the search type (and search string) which you would like to use, click "search". Any contacts which match your search will be displayed in the list below.

2. Using the "active", "pending" and "blocked" drop-down menu. You can search within your contacts by selecting the status of confirmation.

• "Active" contacts are contacts which have responded to the confirmation email and indicated they would like to receive newsletters.

"Pending" contacts are ones which have received the confirmation email but have not responded to it.

"Blocked" contacts are ones which have responded to the confirmation email and indicated they do not wish to receive newsletters.

To delete a contact, click the deletion icon to the far right of the contact, then click "apply".

To edit a contact, click on the desired newsletter. You will be taken to an interface which will allow you to add or edit contact information. You can also indicate which lists the contact should be placed in by checking and unchecking boxes beside the lists at the bottom of the screen.

When you are finished editing the contact, click "apply". You will be returned to the search portion of the interface.