Product import

In this section, you can upload a CSV file which contains data for all of your products.

CSV file format

The first row of your CSV file should be a "header row". This row is used as a placeholder, so you can see what kind of information should be located in each column. As EasyStoreMaker is expacting your CSV file to have a header row, it should be present. If it is not, then the first product in your CSV file will be skipped, as it will be in the location that the header row belonged in.

The header row should contain the following headings, in the order listed (explanations follow):




This is where you enter the SKU number of your product. SKU numbers may be a combination of numbers (0-9), dashes (-), or underscores(_), up to a maximum of 25 characters.

Note: If you have set your store to automatically generate SKU numbers, then this field should be left blank.


This is the name of your product. This field cannot be left blank.


This field should contain a detailed description of your product. This field can be left blank.


This is the regular price of your product, before any sales, discounts, or taxes are applied.


Item types are: download, donation, physical and monetary.


These are the catalogs you would like the item to be displayed in. Catalog numbers should be used, separated by semicolons. The catalog number associated with any catalog you have created can be found in your Catalog List in Catalogs section.


Indicates if the product is on sale. Allowed values for this field are yes and no. If "yes", then productsaleprice must contain a value.


If your product is on sale, enter the sale price, without currency symbols. (e.g. 1.99 and not $1.99 or 1.99£)


Indicate if you wish to mark this product as sold out, backordered, discontinued, new, or on sale. Allowed values in this field are yes, no, or blank (same as no). If yes, then productmarkas must contain a value.


If applymarkas is set to yes, then this field must contain one of the following values: onsale, soldout, backordered, new or discontinued.


The weight of your product. Do not include the unit of measurement (e.g. 1.25 and not 1.25lb or 1.25kg)


Indicates the maximum quantity per order, if applicable.


Indicates if the product should be hidden from customers. Applicable values are yes and no.


Indicates if the product should be hidden from the main storefront page. Applicable values are yes and no.


Enter the URL for a thumbnail image of the product. This field can be left blank.


Enter the URL for the full-size image of the product. This field can be left blank.


If the product is downloadable (itemtype is set to download), then you must enter the name of the file. All files must be located in the /esmdownload directory of your domain.


Indicate if a discount can be applied to this product. Accepted values are yes and no. You can also leave the field blank to indicate no.


If applydiscount  is set to yes, indicate the quantity of the product which must be exceeded before a discount is applied. E.g., to apply a discount when 5 or more units are ordered at a time, orderexceeding should be set to 4.


If applydiscount is set to yes, then indicate the quantity of the discount which should be received.


If applydiscount is set to yes, then indicate if the amount entered in discountreceive indicates a flat rate or a percentage. Accepted values are flatrate and percent.


This is the message which is displayed to customers when a discount is applied. This field is optional.


This is the message which is displayed to advertise the discount. If you would like to add extra line breaks to your message, use the <BR> tag.


Indicates if you wish to track the stock for this product. Acceptable values are yes and no.


Indicates the level at which a low stock warning should be emailed to the store owner.


Indicates the current stock available for the product.


To disable taxes for this product, set this field to yes. Otherwise, enter no or leave blank.


Indicates if a product prompt is needed for this item. Acceptable values are yes, no, or blank (same as no).


If applyprompt1 is set to yes, then indicate what the user must select. (e.g. "What color would you like?")


Enter the options available for prompttask1, separated by semicolons (e.g. red;green;blue;yellow;black).


Indicates if a second product prompt is needed for this item. Acceptable values are yes, no, or blank (same as no). Cannot be set to yes unless applyprompt1 is also set to yes.


If applyprompt2 is set to yes, then indicate what the user must select. (e.g. "What size do you want")?


Enter the options available for prompttask2, separated by semicolons (e.g. small;medium;large;extra large).