Introduction to PHP Manager

PHP is a programming language originally designed for producing dynamic web page content, similar to ASP or ColdFusion. The PHP Manager lets you determine what version of PHP you would like to use. The two PHP versions available are  4.4.1 and 5.1.4.

To switch between versions of PHP:

  1. Open the PHP Manager application.

  2. Select the version of PHP that you would like to use. The version of PHP currently is use is marked as "enabled".

  3. Click "ok".

  4. In the next screen, if you are using a private cert for secure website access, click "no". Otherwise, click "yes".

  5. When the screen refreshes, the version you selected will now be marked as "enabled". There is no delay involved when switching between versions of PHP.


Note about the .htaccess file and PHP 4:

If you are using PHP 4, an entry is placed in your .htaccess file to enable it. If you copy over your .htaccess file, or remove the additional lines which have been appended, then your site will revert to using PHP 5.