HTML tags

The meanings of some common HTML tags are shown below:


This tag tells the browser this file is an HTML document.


End of the HTML document.

Note: Approximately 99% of all HTML tags need to be added in pairs. Notice that a <HTML> tag is located at the very beginning and the very end of the document. There are only a handful of tags that do not need this "pair" structure.


Beginning of the header.

The header can contain other additional material that is not to be displayed on the page. These can be comments and meta-tags provide information to browsers and search spiders about the document.


End of the header.


This indicates the start of your page title, which is displayed in your browser's title bar.


End of the title


Tells the browser that the body of the document starts here, and that the background is white. For a list of hexadecimal colors, go to:


End of the body.

<CENTER> Centers the alignment of whatever is between this tag and </CENTER>

<IMG SRC="clouds.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM">

This tag inserts an image called "clouds.jpg" and aligns it with the bottom of any nearby text. Alignment options include "Middle," "Left" and "Right".

<BR> A line break indicates that the line should end here.

<a href="">Link Name</a>

This links the text "Link Name" to the URL in  quotes ( If you click on the words "Link Name" in the browser, it will open the page at the URL.

<a href=""></a>

This opens a browser's email client when people click on the text between the tags, so people can send you an email from your webpage.  The "TO:" field will contain the address specified in the first tag.

<HR>  This inserts a Horizontal Rule, which is a horizontal line.

<H1>This is a Header</H1>

Headers can be created using tags <H1> through <H6>.  

<H1> is the largest header.  

<H3>This is a Medium Header</H3>

<P> This starts a new paragraph.

</P> This ends the paragraph.

<B> Text between these tags will be bold text. </B>

<I> Text between these tags will be italicized. </I>