Enabling SSH

By default, SSH access for your account is disabled. Enabling SSH does not disable your regular WebsiteOS login, or any of WebsiteOS' applications. If you would like to enable SSH access, use the following steps:

  1. Open the Secure Shell application, found under the "Security" section of WebsiteOS.

  2. Under the "Secure Shell" tab, click on the checkbox marked "Enable this service" and click "Next". Click "yes" when the confirmation window appears. You will be taken to the "Users" tab.

  3. Enter a password for your SSH access. It must be six (6) or more characters in length, and cannot be the same as your WebsiteOS password. Note: The password is case-sensitive.

  4. Type the password again in the confirmation box, and click on "Finish". You have now enabled SSH access for your website.