Enabling a standard service

In order to enable a Windows service, place your ASP, ASP.net, ColdFusion, or ColdFusion MX files anywhere inside your website's public directory. Then open the Windows Services Enabler and select the appropriate tab. E.g.: if you have just uploaded ASP.net files to your public directory, then you need to look under the ASP.net tab to activate the service.

Once you have selected the appropriate tab, you will find two checkboxes. If you have never used this service before, both checkboxes will have a red "X" in them. An "X" indicates the service is currently disabled, while a green checkmark indicates the service is active. To activate the service, click once on the checkbox the "Standard" service. To continue using the example above, in order to enable your ASP.net service, you would click once on the checkbox beside "Standard ASP.net".

Once you have made a request to enable a service, it will be listed as "queued". A queued service will be listed as enabled as soon as the provisioning process has been completed. This process usually is completed after an hour, but may take as long as one business day.

Please note: Because ColdFusion and ColdFusion MX files both use the ".cfm" extension, it is not possible to have both services enabled at the same time.

You can run secure and standard services at the same time. For more information on running secure services, see Enabling a secure service.