eBiz Card

This application allows the user to create an electronic business card and therefore quickly establish a search engine presence while generating relevant business inquiries.

The application contains two main sections:

1. My Card

2. Previous Cards

1. My Card

This section allows the user to create a new electronic business card or edit an existing card that you currently using.

To create a new business card:

1. Click on “My Card” section.

2. Fill out all the required sections

3. Click on  the “Submit a new card” button. You will prompted with a messages advising you that the info entered will be displayed in a new business card and you currently used business card ( if available) will be moved to the list of previous cards. You newly created card will become your current card.

4. Click “Yes” to confirm creation of new card. Click “No” if you do not want to create a new card.

To updated a card you are currently using:

1. Click on “My Card” section.

2. Fill out all the required sections.

3. Click on the “Update current card” button. You will be prompted to confirm the update of the current card.

4. Click “Yes” to save the changes made. Click “No” in order to dismiss any changes.


Data Limits

1. Only alpha characters, space, hyphen and dot are allowed to be used in First Name, Last Name and City.

2. The next characters are prohibited to be entered in the fields Business Name, Address and Business Category:

! @ % ^ * = { } ; ~ ` < > ? |

3. Use fully qualified URL (including http://) for Website URL.

4. Use the next formats for Phone Number:





2. Previous Cards

Here you can view your previous cards. You can also select one to replace the current card.

Click on the desired business card in order to replace the currently used card.