Updating data within a table

This option allows you to alter data within a table. It is used to change actual data within a table. After creating a row using the "Insert" option and inserting a given value to a given column, you should use this option to populate the other fields of the same row.

To update a row in the table, choose "Update" from the "Select" list and select the table you want to update. From the "Column Name" list, choose the column you want to add a value to. Enter the value into the "Column Value" textbox.

You should use "Where clause" in order to enter data into a specific row in a table by specifying a value that must be matched by the column in question.

In the "optional where" panel, choose the column name from the "Column Name" list. Select "equal" or "like" from the drop-down menu and enter the matching value in the "Column Value" textbox.

Click the "Build SQL Query" button. After reviewing the SQL Query click the "Run SQL Query" button to complete the operation. The result of operation will appear at the bottom of the page.